Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To start my blog for the second year of Multimedia I have been asked to give 5 examples of Site Specific designs.

This is a picture of the Arkwright building, used by the university. I think the design of the archetecture is site specific and very stylised. Its quite gothic with the arches over windows and doors, and the turrets either side of the entrance. If you put a modern extension on to the outside of this building it would look strange and out of place.

This piece of art by a person by the name of Andy Goldsworthy is the spirit of site specific design in my eyes. At college I heard about Andy and did some contextual research on him, i found his natural art to be amazing and beautiful. Most if not all of his work is site specific, because he uses materials from the place he is working to make his art, so much of isn't movable to a new location. I like his art because he makes something natural look so unnatural and so unlike how it would be found normally.

This is a series of 2 pictures i took last year of a tree with toilet paper in it. I though id add it in here because i think of it as art, i like how the wind was blowing the toilet paper. Its also site specific, it works because the toilet paper is in a tree and it gives it room to move and flow when the wind blows it. If you put toilet paper in a box it wouldnt have that same quality, it would be lifeless.

This is a piece of graffiti art by the artist 'Banksy'. Recently i saw a book about him and had a look through it, i liked the look and message of a lot of the works shown in the book. There were a lot of contemporary and political themes that i saw, and the picture I chose above is apparently about keeping the streets clean. I dont think anyone could miss this point, even if the artist didnt indend this to be the point. The fact that it is a painting of a maid on a street brushing things under a white covering of a wall suggests keeping things tidy and out of sight.

I didnt know wether to put this in as it could be argued that it isn't art, but id like to think that something like this can be called art, after all it is things like this that inspire us to create man made art. Something like this, this immense and beautiful can only be created in space, the black backdrop and pin pricks of light from stars combined with the brighter light from nearer sources make a mind boggling display of colours and shapes.